XenServer powershell pssnapins not loading correctly

The other day I encountered a problem starting the XenServer PSSnapins.

hc_1010-scaled-150x44 hc_1011-scaled-150x72

The powershell error message told me “the Windows Powershell snap-in ‘XenServerPSSnapIn’ is not installed on this computer”

The explanation for this is quite easy: the XenServer powershell cmdlet’s are not(!) available for x64 platform. The batch file starting the XenServer Powershell Snapin starts powershell.exe using the C:\windows\system32… directory. Although this is valid on x86 platforms the directory has to be fixed on 64Bit platforms.

Simply Change C:\windows\system32\windowspowershell.. to C:\windows\SysWow64\windowspowershel… in “C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\XenServerPSSnapIn\XenServerPSSnapIn.bat”.

hc_1012-150x51 hc_1013-150x40

Hopefully Citrix will adjust the installer to check for the correct platform in future releases.